Thursday, June 5, 2014

OH MY STARS!!! Spring Storm hit NE Arkansas!

We all knew it was coming. It got eerily dark. I'm home alone with all the 4 legged children, Oscar, Buck, and Daisy Belle who, despite the sirens going off, didn't think it was necessary to seek shelter. So soon as sirens stopped we went out to investigate. Lots of little branches down, nothing big over here. Then we lost power, hmm, didn't expect that. Then I got hot. That was expected, LOL. Everything settled down so I headed over to Haven.

That was tricky. Street lights weren't working, big limbs down all over the place. Got to Haven, WOW! Immediately noticed a new open spot that wasn't there yesterday. That's not good.

Right in front of house. Not a good sign. 

Big empty spot now. Wonder what I'll put there now???

Big tree on south side down. SO sad. 

Pecan tree in very green pool. Have I mentioned that nothing on the pool works???

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Snazzy Garage door - it's just amazing what I get excited about!

Plain garage door. 

Hmmm, what have we here???

All dolled up.
Was easy breezy once Ray figured out the garage door should be open to add the panels.
He does have an oops. Do you see it?

Been meaning to post this. Original nail that came out of upper kitchen cabinets. OH MY!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Random pic from May

Just a few toads that RC has cleaned out of the pool - have I mentioned there isn't one thing working properly on the pool so far????

Daisy Belle helping her daddy with the gate in Fayetteville

We completely wore the children out when we were in Fayetteville. So much fun is clearly exhausting. 

Robin's eggs outside dining room window. Cody said that robin has been hanging around the house for years.

First day of laying down sod. Puppies approve!

Switching gears - a few weeks ago at Haven. We added a new gardening bed behind the garage. Ray torched the grass first, then a thick layer of newspaper, don't ask, then compost, manure and then mulch. 

I collected just a few rocks from Covey for the new bed. 

Just a few more. 

Not the best picture, but all done.
We added several tomato plants, which we must stake soon, some basil, rosemary, and some leeks. 

Ray getting creative changing lawn mower to mulcher. YEAH!

Buck at the vet. He was all excited about being there not realizing he was going to get the big snip. He did excellent, seriously didn't miss a beat, way to go Buck!

Covey's spring garden in all its glory. 

This is a white climbing rose. It's suppose to be Sombreuil but isn't. Might be Colonial White...

Pink Drift rose. I love these. Bought at Lowe's last year. They add a nice pop of color by the Mary Rose. 

Dortmund on fence, Belinda's Dream around bird feeder, lambs ear in front with Walker's Low catmint, and the white gardenia azalea under the Japanese maple. 

Cramoisi Superieur climbing rose. 

Maggie rose to left and peonies in center, possumhaw holly tree to right. 

Peonies and roses from the garden. 

Zephirine Drouhin much happier than last year. I moved this plant last spring. It was seriously not happy with me. Apparently all has been forgiven.
This is the best climber.
Very mannerly. Thornless, yes, thornless, and delightful fragrance. 

Zephirine Drouhin peaking through a Fringe tree. 

Some type of viburnum. Moved to Haven and it's NOT happy about being moved. 

Mary Rose, May Night, lambs ear, and some white gardenia azaleas in the back. 

Belinda's Dream

Whole new kitchen

We knew taking down the hanging cabinet would be a big difference but oh my, what a difference. Taking down the uppers opposite of peninsula also game changer. Reinforces that I want a much larger window in there. Ray agrees. He is brilliant! So thankful Cody is here to be his daddy's right hand man, so much better than it being me!

I'm almost positive we will do the kitchen last. I know my hubby well and he is very budget conscious but I know he'll let me do my dream kitchen - smartly. I think we'll have our very excellent dry wall guy out to fix this up. Susan and I will pick out a paint color, the guys can pop up some open shelves and we'll be ready to rock and roll. Before long that step up shelf will be counter height and then I think everything will be more efficient and look even bigger.
I'm so thrilled about this!

Cody and granddog Buck.