Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday after the storm

The state of Arkansas was rolled through by tornadoes last night. It's devastating to see it unfold on the news. We are so thankful they missed us. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones, suffered injuries and had property destroyed in last night's severe storms and tornadoes in central Arkansas. 

I took 3 truck loads over to the house yesterday. It is so great to unload this one. I think perhaps we have TOO much stuff, wait, that just can't be right.

Yesterday afternoon I took Oscar and Daisy over for a visit. Ray joined us and we took a walk around neighborhood. When we headed home, the dogs and I, there was a critter in the middle on the road right past the house. I could tell it wasn't a cat AND Oscar was in serious patrol mode. I was talking to my cousin, Lee Ann, so I didn't a picture quick enough - it was a RACCOON!!! I kid you not. A BIG one! Went right down into the sewer line. I was amazed and Oscar was EAGER to chase!

All this moving around is good. I've gotten almost 12,000 steps a day since Saturday. I'm a Google girl and use Noom Walk. I LOVE to out step Ray and Cody. I don't think I would ever out step LM. 

I've decided to make this area right behind the garage a garden. Going to move that Abelia ( had to go and find my Howard Garrett Plant's for Texas book to remind me of the name) somewhere. There are many options, and make this a new garden. I'm thinking trellis, a few Zephirine Drouhin climbing roses from the Antique Rose Emporium, and then vegetable and herb garden mixed in the fray, with stones surrounding it. That is the zero-turn lawn mower garage. Very clever. Don't know if I would have thought of that!

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